African Heritage PA Caucus
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2017 AHC Scholarship Winners

Posted almost 7 years ago by My PA Admin

2017 AHC Scholarship Winners

We were fortunate enough to have one of our 2 recipients a end the annual conference in Las Vegas, NV this year. Both candidates were most deserving of the award. They each received $750.00. It was di cult to decide because both candidates excelled in the classroom, had impressive displays of community service and were able to ar culate what they wanted to do as future PAs.

Naid Allasan

Naid Allasan was able to a end the conference. She attends the Jefferson College of Health Sciences of Roanoke, VA. She graduates in Dec 2018. She has a 3.450 GPA. Her undergraduate degree is from The College of William and Mary. She has spent 10 years living in various parts of Africa, is fluent in three tribal dialects, and obtained a high school diploma at the age of 16 while living barely above the poverty limit. Her ultimate goal is to work for an international organization that provides medical care to 3rd world nations. She is also interested in policy priorities put forth by the AAPA. Continue reading in newsletter.

Iman Khiar

Iman Khiar attends the USC PA Program with anticipated graduation in May 2019. Her GPA is 3.7. She has a BS in Physiology and Neuroscience from USC. She has served as the co-chair of the African Student’s Association, where she helped undergraduates excel academically and culturally. In addition, she has spent time working with the Nile Sisters Development Initiative in order to help new residents get acclimated and find careers in San Diego. While Interning at Rady Children’s Hospital, she served as Student Leader during the month long Summer Medical Academy, which provides high school students with exposure to careers in healthcare. Continue reading in newsletter.


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