African Heritage PA Caucus
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PA History Society Trustee Board Position Deadline September 14, 2020

Posted over 4 years ago by Camille Dyer

Board members are expected to provide leadership and vision for the organization and have a fiduciary responsibility to the PA History Society (PAHx).  Individual Board members are expected to meet high standards of personal conduct and be willing to commit the time necessary to be effective.  Rules and procedures must be honored. The Board President is the official spokesperson for the organization.  The Trustees speak as a unified voice when communicating publicly as it relates to History Society matters.  The Board meets in formal session or by conference call to make corporate decisions.  It is highly recommended that board members have previous experience or expertise with physician assistants and/or the physician assistant profession.


Together with other members of the PAHx Board, each Trustee will:

  1. Assist in establishing and developing the PAHx’s mission and strategic plan and ensuring effective organizational planning. As stewards of the organization, board members will actively participate in the strategic planning process by articulating a vision for the organization and evaluating progress toward meeting strategic goals and objectives.
  2. Participation on a working board. The Society Board is considered a ‘working board’. 

As such, Trustees are expected to complete a variety of tasks annually, which include, but are not limited to, the following: 

  • Participate in PAHx fundraising initiatives
  • Contribute content to the PAHx website (such as Biographies, Oral Histories, etc.)
  • Are encouraged to write 1 article related to the PA profession
  • Write 1 - 2 articles for Historical Happenings
  • Participate on 1 -2 Committees
  • Attend the bi-annual Board meetings and summer conference call
  1. Manage resources effectively. For the organization to remain accountable to its stakeholders and to safeguard its tax-exempt status, Board members must assist in developing the annual budget and ensure that proper financial controls are in place.  Whenever possible, Trustees are encouraged to find other sources of funding outside of the Society to attend the bi-annual Board meetings.
  2. Assess performance. Board members will participate in assessing the Board’s performance by annually evaluating its overall performance in fulfilling its responsibilities and achievements and reaching consensus on which areas need to be improved.



  • Fully understand and support the organization’s mission.
  • Comply with the PAHx Bylaws, policies, and procedures.
  • Keep up to date on issues affecting, or potentially affecting the organization.
  • Be prepared for Board meetings and participate effectively by voicing opinions.
  • Attend the entire Board meeting.
  • Complete New Board Member Orientation.
  • Support Board actions publicly even if personal reservations about decisions exist.
  • Avoid or disclose conflicts of interest.
  • Keep confidential matters confidential until approved for disclosure.
  • Respect the staff’s right and need to prioritize and at times to redirect requests from Board

         members for information or service.