Posted over 4 years ago by Camille Dyer
June 19, 2020
We at AAPA commemorate Juneteenth, the day in 1865 when hundreds of thousands of enslaved people in Texas learned of their freedom – more than two years after the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation.
This year, Juneteenth coincides with heightened attention across the nation to racial injustice, which continues to negatively impact the health and well-being of Black people in our nation. Silence on injustice can keep people in suffering.
While many cities have canceled parades and other commemorative events due to COVID-19, we sincerely hope everyone in the PA community takes time with family and friends to reflect on the significance of this historic day.
AAPA stands by our commitment to support the Black community and to do our part to eliminate racism and explicit and implicit bias while promoting equity and justice in healthcare.
In the spirit of spreading awareness and understanding, we are highlighting resources to learn more about Juneteenth.
National Museum of African American History and Culture: The Historical Legacy of Juneteenth
The Kojo Nnamdi Show on NPR: Juneteenth and the Complicated History of Emancipation in the U.S.
Smithsonian Magazine: Juneteenth: Our Other Independence Day
The Root: Juneteenth: 150 Years Ago, Black America Got Its Own Independence Day
Essence: 9 Books to Celebrate the Spirit of Juneteenth
Blavity: Here’s a List of Events Commemorating Juneteenth
National Geographic: What is Juneteenth – and what does it celebrate?
History Channel: What is Juneteenth?
Reuters: What is Juneteenth and how are people commemorating it this year?
[Join AAPA for one of two listening sessions for all PAs to listen to and learn from Black PAs and PAs of color, including students, about how racism has impacted and continues to impact their lives and the lives of their patients.]