Posted over 5 years ago by Camille Dyer
African Heritage PA Caucus-Call for Candidates
Leadership is the process of envisioning where a group is going and then guiding that group in getting there.
The African Heritage PA Caucus has multiple layers of involvement, all of which are equally important. AHPAC leadership involvement has given past PA leaders the knowledge and opportunity to participate at the highest level, professionally and personally. You can add to the growth of this dynamic organization by becoming involved in OURProfession. If you have ever thought about giving back to your profession; now is the time to develop your leadership skills by getting involved!
Eligibility Criteria
- You must be a current Fellow member with AHPAC.
- You must be a current Fellow member with AAPA.
- Candidates should enjoy working well with others, communicate effectively, be creative, enthusiastic and passionate about positively influencing students and the future of the PA profession.
Declaring Your Candidacy
You may declare your intent to run for office by self or recommended nomination. Candidates must be familiar with board or committee position, time commitments and accept nominations.
AHPAC Elected Board Positions
- President-elect (two-year term)*
- Secretary (two-year term)
- Treasurer (two-year term)
- Student Representative (one year term)
*President elect position precedes a two-year Presidential position for a total commitment of four years
AHPAC Appointed Committee Positions
- Leadership Development
- Membership Co-chair
- Fundraising Committee
- Committee Members needed for ALL committees