African Heritage PA Caucus
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Posted about 5 years ago by Camille Dyer

WPP is leading an independent Title Change Investigation (TCI) to determine the best marketing strategy and title for the PA profession. The agency was selected to conduct the investigation as a follow up to a resolution from AAPA’s House of Delegates and at the request of AAPA’s Board of Directors. The overarching goal of this project is to position PAs to successfully compete in the ever-changing healthcare marketplace.

The TCI is attempting to address two key questions:

1. Is there a need to evolve the PA brand based on an objective, well-informed, data and analysis-driven view of where it stands today?

2. And if so, how do we redefine how the PA profession is positioned, how its value is conveyed, and how it is titled to meet the requirements of tomorrow’s healthcare landscape?

As a part of this investigation, WPP has fielded an online survey link via email to member and nonmember PAs and PA students to explore the role of PAs in the healthcare system, the profession’s perceived value, and whether the title reflects the profession’s true role and responsibilities. The survey will take approximately 45 minutes to complete and closes on Tuesday, April 30, at 9 a.m.

WPP will share an interim report with AAPA’s House of Delegates at AAPA 2019 in Denver this May.

For more information about the TCI process and timeline, watch the video update from WPP on the right. Check back to this page for additional updates.