AAPA seeking volunteers for the JAC Ethical Task Force
Posted over 1 year ago by Camille Dyer
A call for volunteers seeking candidates for the JAC Ethical Conduct Task Force is now posted to the AAPA website. The deadline to apply is Sunday, August 27. Additionally, we are looking to make connections with non-PAs in the medical/professional ethics space who might be able to serve in the public member role.
JAC Ethical Conduct Task Force
AAPA’s Judicial Affairs Commission is forming a task force of PA leaders, subject matter experts, and researchers charged with analyzing the current ethical landscape surrounding PA/medical practice, including bioethical and professional ethical principles and issues, and applying those findings to a rigorous review and revision of AAPA’s Guidelines for Ethical Conduct for the PA Profession (pg. 171, AAPA Policy Manual). Revised Guidelines will be submitted to the AAPA House of Delegates for consideration in 2025.
The Task Force’s work is projected to take two years to complete (2023 – 2025). Work will be conducted primarily via email and conference calls.
The Task Force will be composed of approximately 11 members:
- A Chair and Co-Chair will be members of the JAC and RSI Commissions, respectively.
- Other members will include:
- Subject Matter Experts (preferably PAs who are experts in bioethics and medical ethics in particular)
- Researchers/Writers
- PAs with interest and experience with ethical issues and topics.
- One public member (a non-PA with relevant background/expertise to offer observations and insight from an outside perspective)
All PA members of the Task Force must be fellow or retired members of AAPA. To the extent possible, the task force composition will have a balance of years in practice, specialty areas and practice settings, geographic diversity and represent diverse viewpoints.
The deadline to apply is Sunday, August 27. Questions? Reach out to governance@aapa.org.