In June 2023, the Supreme Court ruled against the use of race-conscious admissions policies in higher education in the cases of Students for Fair Admissions v. University of North Carolina and Students for Fair Admissions v. Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College. This ruling significantly impacts admissions in PA education. To continue supporting programs in promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion through the admissions process, PAEA invites members to leverage the below resources.

In the coming weeks, additional resources on strategies PA programs can leverage to adapt to this ruling will be released on this page.

Core Resources

Background on Cases

What Can You Do?

Assembling Your Team

Other PAEA Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

What did the Supreme Court decide in the case of Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. Presidents and Fellows of Harvard College?

How does the Supreme Court ruling impact PA programs?

Can PA programs still consider diversity as a factor in admissions despite the Supreme Court ruling?

Did the Supreme Court’s ruling address recruitment efforts intended to promote student diversity?

What steps can PA programs take to maintain a diverse student body specifically through the admissions process without explicitly considering race or ethnicity?

Are there any legal implications or risks for PA programs that continue to use affirmative action practices despite the Supreme Court ruling?

What resources or guidance are available for PA programs to navigate the changes resulting from the Supreme Court ruling?

Questions About the Supreme Court's Decisions?

Contact Senior Director of Government Relations Tyler Smith.