African Heritage PA Caucus
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PA Advocacy Needed Now: Support the Resiliency of Our Nation’s Great (STRONG) Veterans Act of 2022 (HR 6411)

Posted over 2 years ago by Camille Dyer

Dear members of AAPA's Grassroots Advocacy and Information Network (GAIN),
Your advocacy action is needed to make sure that PAs aren't left out of an important VA bill.

The Support the Resiliency of Our Nation’s Great (STRONG) Veterans Act of 2022 (HR 6411) was introduced in January to improve mental health care provided to veterans through the Department of Veterans Affairs by increasing training, outreach, mental health care delivery, and research to address veteran suicide. Unfortunately, the bill’s language that defines the clinicians who provide mental health in the VA left out PAs.

All PAs are urged to contact your representative in Congress today and ask them to include PAs as mental health providers in the STRONG Veterans Act (H.R. 6411.), introduced by Reps. Mark Takano (D-CA) and Mike Bost (R-IL). This legislation may be considered soon by Congress, but there is still time to act and make a difference for our nation’s veterans and the PAs who care for them.

Contact your legislator today to ensure that Congress corrects this oversight and includes PAs in this important legislation before it is too late.   

Take action today by going to AAPA's Advocacy Action Center and clicking on the STRONG Veterans Act alert.  Thank you for your advocacy in action!  
Kristin Butterfield