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Courtesy of APAC: Cardiometabolic Health Disparities Amid the COVID 19 Pandemic and Beyond: A Call to Action

Posted over 2 years ago by Camille Dyer

Courtesy of Academy of Physician Associates in Cardiology:

Cardiometabolic Health Disparities

Distinguished Cardiometabolic Health Congress Senior Planning Committee member and prominent cardiologist Keith C. Ferdinand, MD, tackles the complex interplay of COVID-19 outcomes in underserved populations, social injustice, and cardiometabolic health disparities in a recently published article, calling upon clinicians to advance the standard of health and care. 
Read The Full Article Here

APAC is honored to be a partner in this important mission, “tackling the deep-rooted issue of cardiometabolic health disparities” even beyond the differences in COVID-19 related morbidity and mortality. APAC Is proud to partner with CMHC. 
Learn More About CMHC Here