African Heritage PA Caucus
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CAST your VOTE: AAPA Special Election

Posted over 2 years ago by Camille Dyer

VOTING IS OFFICIALLY OPEN for AAPA Special Election (closes November 08 at 5:00PM EST).

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If your AAPA fellow membership was active as of October 14, 2021 you should have received a unique email from YES elections

Special Election
AAPA is conducting a special election to fill the president-elect vacancy on AAPA’s Board of Directors. In accordance with the AAPA Bylaws, the immediate past president fulfills the duties (but not the office) of president-elect until a new president-elect assumes office. Once elected, the new president-elect will immediately assume office and serve the remainder of the unexpired term before serving subsequent terms as president-elect (beginning July 1, 2022), president, and immediate past president.
AAPA encourages all eligible voters to engage and participate in the Special Election. To learn more about the Special Election please visit our FAQs page.
Meet the Candidates
Choosing who to elect to lead the PA profession is an important decision. Now is your opportunity to get to know the president-elect candidates who want to lead AAPA and the PA profession into the future. Click on each candidate’s webpage to hear from them and learn more about their visions for the future of the profession and their strategies to achieve these goals.
How to Vote
Voting in the AAPA 2021 Special Election will begin on October 29 at 9 a.m. ET and conclude on November 8 at 5 p.m. ET. Voting will be conducted by an independent third-party election vendor -- YesElections. Eligible voters will receive an individual electronic ballot by email from YesElections at the start of the voting period.
To vote in the AAPA 2021 Special Election you must be a Fellow member by October 14. To ensure you receive your individual secure ballot, please verify your Fellow membership before Oct. 14 and that you have your preferred email address listed.
If you have any questions regarding AAPA’s 2021 Special Election, please visit or contact