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Movement is Life: Political Determinants of Health Register NOW

Posted over 4 years ago by Camille Dyer




Racial Inequities – Fruit of America’s Poisonous Tree:

A Look at the Political Determinants of Health


November 12, 2020 | 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. EDT


There’s been a surge in research supporting the social determinants of health and their role in health equity. However, in accepting that on its face, we overlook the bigger picture. The political determinants of health represent the initial improper conduct that has manifested in bushels and bushels of poisonous fruit that we see currently in the form of health inequities. This talk will introduce a new model, the political determinants of health, that focuses on their role in creating, perpetuating, and exacerbating systemic barriers for Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and other communities of color. This talk will also increase understanding of the interconnection between all of the determinants of health and the political determinants.


Join the Conversation with Daniel Dawes, JD


Director, Satcher Health Leadership Institute, Morehouse School of Medicine, Co-Founder, Health Equity Leadership and Exchange Network (HELEN), Associate Professor, Department of Community Health and Preventive Medicine, Morehouse School of Medicine and Author of The Political Determinants of Health and 150 Years of ObamaCare.



  • Mary I. O'Connor, MD - Chair, Movement Is Life Caucus; Professor of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, Yale School of Medicine; Professor Emerita of Orthopedics, Mayo Clinic; Co-founder and Chief Medical Advisor, Voya Health
  • Bill Finerfrock - President, Capitol Associates
  • Frank M. McClellan, JD, LLM - Professor Law Emeritus, James E. Beasley School of Law, Temple University; Author, Healthcare and Human Dignity: Law Matters





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